Parent Page: Students id: 31099 Active Page: Military Transfer Creditid:31107


Depending on your military experience, you may qualify for transfer credit for military training and will need to provide official military transcripts to determine graduate credit eligibility. Everyone is evaluated on a case-by-case basis using all military transcripts that are provided. There is no standard block of credit for a branch of service or a specific military position. Learn more about Admissions.

Air Force: Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)

Air Force: Training Report (AF Form-475) along with official transcripts from The Air University

Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy: Joint Services Transcript, Previously Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS) and/or Sailor Marine Registry Transcript System (SMARTS)

Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES): The Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) helps service members and veterans pursue their educational goals and earn degrees or certifications both during and after their service. Learn more